Highschoolstreams.com lets high schools produce and broadcast their own games, pep rallies, news shows, and any other event live on our website. That’s right – Students from each school are the ones actually filming, producing, and announcing every live stream shown on our website. Our dedicated support team’s only purpose is to assist our schools with using our platform to stream their events.
Highschoolstreams.com makes it easy for students to produce live video broadcasts by providing the software, tools and training they need; a great way for students to get real world experience and exposure. With our help and technology, schools can produce and distribute high quality events throughout the year including regular season sports, graduation, and band concerts. Fans, parents, teachers, grandparents alike are able to watch their perspective schools’ events whenever they want, wherever they are.
As a member of HighSchoolStreams.com, each respective high school receives a complimentary member page where viewers can find general school information, school sponsors, and of course – the latest videos and streams!
Do you wish there were more videos and event coverage for your high school? Become a school sponsor and help us extend our coverage offerings for your school! Please email us
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